
The S.E.R. Foundation understands reconciliation as a prerequisite for sustainable peace. Reconciliation is seen as an attitude towards life that begins with each individual and continues in encounters with others. In this sense, the foundation advocates for reconciliation as a vision of peace tangible.

Reconciliation encompasses all areas of life: health, environment, social affairs, education, economy, religion, culture, science and politics, as well as the relationship between organizations and companies at national and international levels.

Against this background, the S.E.R. Foundations presented a resolution to the United Nations for the establishment of a UN Reconciliation day.

At the 57th DPI/NGO Conference in New York, “Global Reconciliation” was presented by the foundations as an activating principle for achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

From 2005 to 2008, the S.E.R. Foundations launched a worldwide call for an annual Reconciliation Week. In 2006, the United Nations General Assembly explicitly stated that reconciliation processes are an important step towards peace for countries and regions that have been or are in conflict situations (A/61/L.22) and declared the year 2009 as the “International Year of Reconciliation.”

Since 2009, the S.E.R. Foundation have regularly initiated the Reconciliation Year: It was based on the principle of networking people who are directly or indirectly committed to reconciliation on the ground.

The S.E.R. Foundations annually awarded exemplary projects with the Reconciliation Award until 2015.

You can find further information in the archive.