A focal point of the Foundation’s peace efforts lies in Israel and Palestine. Since 1997, the Foundation has been involved in contacts with children’s and peace projects in these regions. During various visits, two resolutions were formulated. They serve as a means to keep dialogue and networking at all levels of society in motion and to emphasize the awareness of the spiritual dimension of the global community. They do not aim at political discourse but at offering new perspectives and visions
for the reconciliation and peace process.

Resolution for peace

n the year 2000, the S.E.R. Foundations released a resolution for signature collection aimed at promoting peace in the Holy Land.
It calls on the United Nations to declare the holy sites in Jerusalem as the spiritual heritage of all humanity and to manage and supervise them. Download: German/English/French/Spanish/Italian

Resolution „Holy Land“

In 2012, the S.E.R. Foundations formulated a second resolution. It is a call to support the people of Israel and Palestine in organizing the establishment of their own government, to be named the Democratic Republic Holy Land.Download