Current projects

Children and youth are the adults of tomorrow. They are our hope. The Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R. supports children and youth projects worldwide to foster their personal development and growth on all levels of being, as underpinned by the understanding of health by the WHO. At the same time, it contributes to the implementation of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

S.E.R Kinderhilfe e.V. Wesel, Deutschland

The S.E.R Kinderhilfe e.V. is a non-profit initiative for extracurricular care and support of 40 children
and adolescents from various social backgrounds, religions, and cultures. The goal is to provide leisure activities that promote creativity, tolerance, self-confidence, and joy of life. 
The Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R.  supports the funding project with an annual contribution. 

Holy Child Program (HCP), Beit Sahour, Palestine

The HCP is a therapeutic school near Bethlehem in the Palestinian Autonomous Territory.
It provides therapeutic care and individual support to severely traumatized children, both Christian and Muslim.

‘Our mission is to inspire hope through healing’ – this is the theme of the Holy Child Program.

The children experience healing and a new opportunity for personal development. The goal is reintegration into a publicschool class.

The Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R.  supports the funding project with an annual contribution. 

Dar Al Kalima, Bethlehem, Palestine

The Dar Al Kalima School in Bethlehem/PNA is a Christian school where 240 students, Muslims and Christians, girls and boys, are taught together. Additional sports, arts, and music activities are provided to support the children. The aim is to offer them a good education even during the difficult circumstances behind the wall.

The Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R.  supports the funding project with an annual contribution. 

Associacon Foyer de Paix, Grands Lacs, Congo            

“The Foyer de Paix Grands Lacs” (FDPGL) pursues a holistic pedagogical motto based on the principles of reception, learning, and accompaniment.

The project was initiated in 2010 by Father Roger MPONGO in South Kivu, Congo. It aims to help impoverished single mothers with their children and the needy lead an independent life with dignity. A central component of the project is the “Therapy through Community Work and Education” initiative, where beneficiary mothers and some fathers work together in solidarity groups called MUSO (Mutuelle de solidarité). They combine ecological and economic activities by planting trees, beans, soybeans, and sweet potatoes on the same plot of land and using organic fertilizer. The abundant harvests are shared among the members and contribute to the nutrition of children, elderly people, patients, and prisoners in Bukavu.

The “VITENDO” program (“active action” in Swahili) includes various activities:

  • Training at the “Atelier de coupe et couture” allows women to develop their talents in sewing and sell their products in the village.
  • All women are trained in entrepreneurial skills to operate their small businesses, including selling food and other goods. These activities help to cover their family needs including alimentation.
  • The “école maternelle” offers free preschool education for 5-year-old children, while extracurricular tutoring is provided for 6-12-year-olds.
  • The “Centre Informatique” provides young people with training in information technology to improve their employment opportunities.
  • There are also activities such as fish farming, beekeeping, and caring for the ecological environment by planting and maintaining trees.

In this way, all activities of the FDPGL support the 17 development goals of the United Nations, according to the 2030 Agenda, for poverty reduction and sustainable development.

The Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R. supports the funding project of P. Roger Mpongo, as part of the “Foyer de Paix Grands Lacs” in South Kivu, Congo, with an annual contribution.


Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam, Israel

NS / WS is a village near Latrun, built and inhabited by Jewish and Arab residents, Christians, Jews, and Muslims living together. The village is known beyond the borders of Israel as an example of how equality among different religions and cultures can be lived with dignity. The village has its own peace school, a binational, bilingual village school, a youth club, a house of silence, and a guesthouse.

The Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R. supports the Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam funding project with an annual membership contribution.