UN NGO Activities
Today, the challenge confronting the United Nations (UN) is how to focus its international vision and iconoclastic perception in the pursuit of a new global order.
By proclaiming a Decade of International Reconciliation Year, the UN shows the core upon which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) will be pursued: by magnanimity in action, by enlightened diplomatic leadership and statesmanship.
“The Millennium Challenge: Human Reconciliation,” as the path in attaining enduring peace and security, fraternal and cultural togetherness, economic and political sanity, will be as rallying idea to move the human community into higher quality of life.
Herein lies the way democratic ideals will be realized, when the sovereign people participate vigorously in translating their dreams into working reality; when they reconcile various differences and conflicts, opinions and beliefs, ethnical and racial differences, themselves.
The Reconciliation Philosophy as an inspiring idea within which social and cultural dialogues, political and economic matters, educational and religious values will be distilled in the realm of high-mindedness; and, eventually design for themselves the strategic and operative art sustainable peace and development amidst “unity and diversity” will be fulfilled. Indeed, it is a philosophical synthesis to bring opposite ideas together. After all, the well-being of the Human Community is indivisible.
As it is, the UN SDGs is a monumental program. To gain added strength and relevance in the implementation process, the emphasis should be its reconciliatory and complementary character. This connecting quality should likewise be the mobilizing call on all concern: UN Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Civil Organized Societies, Religious Institutions, Schools and Universities, Media Organizations, into cohesive working units: to act as reconciliatory instruments for a better world.
For these reasons, among others, the Foundations for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R., respectfully propose International Reconciliation Decade –
“Sustainable Peace Through Reconciliation.”
Official Website: Summit of the Future 2024 – United Nations | United Nations
00. SER and Initial Partner Organizations Joint Written Input Summit for the Future 2024
01. ERGOSOMA INTERNATIONAL_Transformative measures for the Future
02. CIPP_La Paix en RDC. Défis pour le sommet du future_ English version
04. BMI Integrating Civic Education with Reconciliation and Peace Building in Kenya
05. SHARED VISION_South Sudan_Contribution to the UN Peacbuilding Coalition
06. ODRAPNA_Declaration ecrite sur l’education des enfants
08. Le Mouvement de la Paix_The role of civil society at the UN
09. Center for Global Nonkilling_World programme for Human Rights Education
11. Congos Born_Report 2024UNCSC in Nairobi
Pact for the Future Statement Ergosoma International 24_07_17_Transformative measures for the Future
Invitation CSW68 Panel Event Flyer
Invitation Ergosoma Modul 1 Flyer
S.E.R._Aktionsplan 2024 Flyer (engl.)
Ergosoma Int. Parallel Event Presentation (engl.)
Conclusion CSW 68 (engl.)
Official website CSW 68
Invitation-Flyer CSW67 Parallel Event
Invitation FreeWebinar
Contribution „ERGOSOMA®international“ – Video
Invitation-Flyer CSW66 Parallel Event
Invitation Ergosoma-practical exercise
Contribution Parallel Event by „ERGOSOMA®international“ – Video
Invitation-Flyer Invitation-Flyer
Contribution on internet by „ERGOSOMA®international“ – Video
The speeches for reading:
„Health for Change“ by Anke Schmidt-Bratzel
„ERGOSOMA®migra“ by Bärbel Pegels-Niesel
„Strengthening healthperception, selfhealingpowerand resilience of migrant women with ‚ERGOSOMA®migra‘ „ by Serap Tarnis
„Connecting an Reconnecting to the Healthy Inner Core“ by Monika Volkmer
was canceled due to pandemic
UN work sustainably secured
Networking thrives on contact. Under this premise, ERGOSOMA® International sent Marion Glaser and Monika Volkmer to the CSW 62 at the UNO. In contrast to last year, no workshop could be designed as a parallel event this time. Nevertheless, it was possible to place a well-attended practical workshop with „Ergosoma® – Practical Exercises and Basic Skills“. The two give a brief outline of their journey here
- Ergosoma treatments in Nepal for earthquake victims
- Nepal-Report Astrid_Papst
- Invitation_CSW 62
- Video: „How to enhance women´s resilience?“:
The application of Ergosoma® international for the registration of the S.E.R. Parallel event at the CSW 2018 english
Parallel Event of the 59th CSW
The Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R. in collaboration with ERGOSOMA®international and the US Federation for Middle East Peace is pleased to invite you to a Parallel Event on
Tuesday, March 10th, 2015, from 8.30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Armenian Convention Center, Room V Hall, 630 2nd Avenue (at 35th street), New York, NY 10017
More information (PDF)
Sustainable Health Development for Women
Empowerment of women by adapting indigenous knowledge expanding empathic perception and resilience New perspectives for a sustainable Public Health Care System with the ERGOSOMA® HEALTH CARE PROGRAM
Ergosoma application for the registration of the S.E.R. Parallel Event (PDF)
(written by Monika Volkmer and Anke Schmidt-Bratzel)
The research and work with ERGOSOMA®, with its subtitles lying on perceptive,sensorial empathy, is being carried out under the title of THE ERGOSOMA® HEALTH CARE PROGRAM at ECOSOC (The Economic and Social Council) at the United Nations.
The goal of the program is to support public health care and promote the complementary, holistic health care method, Ergosoma®. Research shows that it improves the balance between the mental and emotional spheres; this balance is necessary for daily life and the practice of traditional medicine.
In periodic Ergosoma® training sessions, workshops, and meetings in various towns and cities, the stabilization of the vegetative nervous system and the process of perception are schooled.
In den regelmäßigen Ergosoma® Trainings, Seminaren und Konferenzen in verschiedenen Städten und Orten wird die Stabilisierung des Vegetativen und der Wahrnehmungsprozesse geschult.
The Ergosom Association together with the S.E.R. Foundation are preparing a new interpretation of the definition of health according to the WHO.