our concern
The aim of the major world religions is to devote people’s lives to God with spirit, soul and body and, from this unity, to become one with all fellow creatures. At various times the religions have tried out spiritual ways of achieving the desired goal in order to develop spirituality of this kind. The S.E.R. Foundation/Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research is to serve these different ways, learning them, practicing them, teaching them and researching them.
(Preambel of the Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R.)
The realization of human potential arises from self-awareness and the unfolding of consciousness. This path leads through subjective experiences to reconciliation and thus to peace on both – the inner and outer level. The main concern of the Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R. is to promote this peace and thus a life in human dignity, thereby strengthening awareness of the global community.