As an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), the Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research S.E.R. has consultative status
with ECOSOC, the Economic and Social Council of the UN, since 2003. Through visits to UN conferences and collaboration with UN departments and other NGOs, it contributes to spreading the goals of the United Nations with a focus on reconciliation by:

  • Presenting exemplary projects for the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
  • Shedding light on various aspects of reconciliation in workshops in collaboration with partner organizations.
  • Annually awarding prizes to outstanding projects in the field of reconciliation across various sectors, as a continuation of the UN International Year of Reconciliation.
  • Organizing “Round Tables” on reconciliation at various locations around the world.
  • Sending representatives to the UN in New York, Geneva, Nairobi and Vienna.

Among the processes initiated by the UN to address the challenges facing the global community, the involvement of civil society has increasingly gained importance. To consolidate
the activities of the subunits attached to various departments of the UN and led by the UN for NGO affairs, and to strengthen the autonomous, collective representation of NGO interests, the S.E.R. Foundation presented a draft resolution in 2007 to create an independent Department of Non-Governmental Organizations within the United Nations. This would underscore the equality and necessity of representing the global civil society alongside the representation of all governments of the world.
Resolution for a Department of NGOs at the UN (pdf)